For years we have suspected that Banana may have ADD or ADHD. Certainly, she's a very distractable child. Her teachers have told me that she is NOT distracting - that she does not distract her classmates. But she does sometimes have a short attention span. To the point that she can easily go off task, right in the middle of the task, because something else has gotten her attention.
This may be typical of many almost 10 year olds, but there have been other marker's that have made us consider that ADD or ADHD may be playing a part.
Thursday I go for a meeting with the Special Education Resources teacher who will go over the results of the Academic Assessment with me (or us, if the Hubs is able to join).
I've sent back the form for the Psych Assessment, but I don't know when that will be, or if it will even be before the end of the year. If we have to wait until September, or early next year, so be it. That's fine with me.
Banana is a bright kids, no doubt, but something that may help her get even better results at school would be nice. And she's such a sweet kid with such a sweet disposition, that you just want to help her acheive everything.
On the flip side, Squish is coming up on the list for the SERT to do an academic assessment on. I suspect we may find out there's some sort of learning disability at play with her. It would not surprise me as both the Hubs and I have LDs of varying degrees. Again, she's a bright kid. Very artistic and dramatic. It'll be interesting to see what everyting comes out to say.
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