Really, it was inevitable. Whether or not this was indeed a terror attack (indications point to it being more a probability than a possibility), remains to be conclusively reported.
Ramming people with a van or truck has been used in several countries in the past few years. It was done in Nice, France on Bastille Day. It was done in London, England outside the Parliament Buildings. It has been done in Israel several times (until they decided to switch to stabbing attacks on Jewish citizens instead). And it was attempted in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in the not too far past.
This is not the first (possible terrorist) attack in Canada. There was a shooting at our own parliament buildings a few years ago in which the life of a Canadian Forces member was ended. There was the mosque shooting in Quebec.
However, despite the fact that details have not come to light regarding motive - the police haven't released that information yet, but they do have the driver in custody - already terrorism is being touted as the reason. I've seen ISIS being blamed (as far as I know, they haven't taken responsibility yet). People I know are blaming Muslim extremists already.
And if anyone disagrees with them, they're beginning to bully those who don't tow the 'It's the Muslims' line.
I don't know what was behind this tragedy. I'm not in the police services, and I'm not in the media.
I will wait to see what the authorities have to say.
Stay safe everyone. Let's use this tragedy to become a community, and not tear ourselves apart with hate.
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