Friday, May 17, 2013

Squish is Expander Free!!

Banana and Squish both had orthodontist appointments this morning.  We were up and out of the house by 8:10 - usually we're still fighting WTB to get up (WTB, for those not in the know is Warm Toasty Bed).  We made it to our appointments right on time and the girls signed themselves in - they have this computer sign in where the kids just touch their names on the computer screen and it signs them in.  Very cool.  My favourite feature of the office?  The Keurig.  They must know me.  Coffee. Available anytime.  LOL!

Anyway, Squish had a palate expander put in back in March.  I think.  Pretty sure she had it put in just before we went to Florida.

Well, today, she had it removed!!  YAY!!  Her first impression:  "It's weird". She'd gotten used to eating, singing and talking around it.  She's excited about being able to eat popcorn, toffee and gum again.  And not having to be careful about cheese on pizza.  Before with the expander, she had to watch for hot foods like the cheese on pizza because if it got caught, under the expander, it could burn her palate. Which could be pretty devastating. 

Next week, we go back for her to get a retainer that she'll only have to wear at night.   And my how things have changed!  When I was going through my orthodontia, you had one choice of colour for the elastic bands on your braces - grey - and one colour for your retainers - translucent pink.   Squish got to choose her colour for her retainer - and of course, she chose blue.  But not only did she choose blue - she had two blues to choose from.  Apparently she chose the darker of the two.

Banana on the other hand is still orthodontia free.  The orthodontist wants to wait until  more teeth come in - so she's not having to go back for nine months.

All in all, a good visit.  Encouraging. 

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